We’re inexplicably lucky to work with some brilliant ones, but our personal interests always were in the business side. even though some of us named Marc also enjoy talking about typefaces for two hours Such as: What’s the goal? What are the outcomes? How can we make it work better?
About MING Labs — Strategy, Tech & Design for Sustainable Solutions
So, what's MING Labs? We’re problem solvers and progress seekers who use all the tools in our belt to challenge the challenges of our times. Game on.
Above all, MING Labs is a bunch of humansif 80-ish people count as a bunch. Three humans, Marc, Matthias, and Sebastian, started this ambitiousfine enterprisemess back in 2011, and, for better or for worse, it hasn’t stopped ever since. We started with designing and developing iPhone apps. The demand and interest for apps have somewhat reduced since then (both from brands and from people), but back then they were the thing — so we were doing it, and it was good. Then we started doing more things: websites, web apps, research, opportunity maps, customer journeys, serious stuff! — and suddenly we found ourselves running an inventive digital company which also happens to be good with production. Wow.
none of the three founders is a designer.

This is probably a good time to mention that Marc and Matthias met
, and at least one of them worked there for over 10 years, while the other one was co-founding his first software startup. We know the corporate world very wellprobably more than we would’ve liked to and like to think that we can apply our design experience to improving that world a little. Meaning: working with companies on design projects on a bigger scale. Not just design this, produce that; rather,
help these companies change how they work. Make it less corporate.
More human.

So that’s what we do now. We partner with companies big and large to help them change their processes and workflows, introducing best design practicesin fact, design is the core of our work, but we thought we should make you read between the lines (literally) to the B2B settings. Call it digital transformation and business enablement, if you like. We see change as a complex, long, exhausting journey for which the right people are not only essential but also vital. There’s a good chance we might be those people. But that’s of course not up to us to judge.
Three words: strategy, tech, and design. Our hands-on teams support you at every step of your sustainable transformation journey. When you hire us, we work on problems together. What happens when a strategist, a techy, and a designer walk into a bar? Come and find out.
We believe each company and brand is unique and should be treated with care. That's why we'll always be fierce about understanding your unique challenges and developing sustainable solutions together.
What you’re getting from MING is a team of, say, five people who’ll work with you day in and day out, and they will bring you somewhere new. Which is perhaps exactly where you’d like to end up.
We’ve been heavily present in Asia — both physically and spiritually — since our first day, which is, let’s say, somewhat unusual for European founders with charming German accents.
Even though Marc doesn’t speak Chinese, we’ve done a lot of projects with companies from China, Singapore and other places. Somehow this East/West duality became a part of our identity, adding an extra element to the whole cognitive diversity that we had going always.